We offer a range of rooms for hire to suit your needs be it a community event, class or meeting. Hirers can access our meeting room, large training room/hall, kitchen, computer lab or childcare centre. The use of rooms at the Centre during opening hours is free for other community sector organisations. We offer discounted hire rates for community activities and our members and supporters, and the commercial hire rate ranges from $16 – $18 per hour.
• The hiring fees are determined by the Centre Management Committee and may be varied at the discretion of the Coordinator.
• Booking is confirmed on receipt of a completed Application to Hire form and payment of a deposit (if applicable).
• A hiring bond and/or key deposit may apply, and will be refunded upon satisfactory completion of the hire and/or return of the key in accordance with the Agreement to Hire.
• Booking changes and cancellations must be notified as soon as possible.
To enquire about room and venue hire or catering, please contact the Centre for more details on (03) 62294066 or email maranoacc@bigpond.com.