Welcome to Maranoa Heights Community Centre
Maranoa Heights Community Centre (MHCC) is a community managed, not-for-profit organisation. We provide high quality, well informed support for all visitors to the Centre, activities and programs that promote lifelong learning and good health, and we are a focal point for community development and partnerships in the Kingston area.
See What’s On for programs and events or drop into the Centre and pick up your copy of our Newsletter.
For any further details or enquiries please contact us on (03) 6229 4066.
The Centre is open:
Monday – Thursday: 9am – 4pm
Friday: 9am – 3:30pm
Our Funder
The Maranoa Heights Community Centre is funded by the Department of Health and Human Services through The Tasmanian Neighbourhood House program. This program includes three agreed statewide goals and a governance structure, to be achieved or worked towards with local populations:
1.building community
2.supporting people and their families
3.enhancing choices
4.community-led governance.